Thursday, November 29, 2007


Do you know what I hate?? Thieves. People who steal. Dishonest bastards. My mom had her purse stolen tonight in a parking lot. Her phone, wallet, i.d.s, credit cards, camera (with all the pictures of her recent retirement trip), pictures of my son, loads of cash, and other things, were all taken by some despicable stranger. It just makes me so mad my blood feels like it is going to boil. Sorry, just had to get that off my chest. hmph. The only thing that gives me solace is that what goes around eventually comes around...


Cassie said...

Was she approached while walking or was it stolen out of her card?

I just received a really sweet card from your mom thanking me for taking pictures of her retirement party. Glad I did.

Cassie said...

I meant car - oops.

Marissa said...

She was putting some packages in her car, and had left her purse in the cart right behind her. What's wierd, though, is she didn't hear anybody approach her. I'd love to get my hands on that bastard.