The kids and I are sequestered in my bedroom right now because there are three plumbers drilling holes through my kitchen floor. One thing that doesn't go with three male plumbers is 'nipples.' That's right. When you are a nursing mommy certain situations prove themselves to be a bit awkward. I just don't feel comfortable whipping my boobs out in front of just anybody. I lured Henry in from his dirt pile in the backyard with the promise of allowing him to watch one of his dvd's. He proceeded to repeat "rock garden" over and over again. I eventually figured out that this meant "motorcycle". I am slowly becoming fluent in Henry.
He loves this collection of dvds that his grammy got him for easter last year. Construction vehicles, construction sites, motorcycles, monster trucks, fire trucks. You get the idea. Testosterone type stuff. Each one is led by a "genie" that accompanies two kids on an adventure. They are all super creepy to me. I told Henry that if a man that looks like this "genie" ever approaches him, he must yell "stranger danger" and run away as fast as he can. The construction site one actually sends a chill down my spine. Something about it is just "off." I truly believe this dvd could be a portal to hell. Seriously.
Sweet. Mike should take him to monster truck shows and demolition derbies and stuff.
i actually think we should have our own dem. derby. it would be super cool.
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