This past weekend was fabulous. Yummy food, good times with good friends, an amazing show, a gem of a thrift..... but more on that some other time.
We scored free tickets to see The Walkmen on Saturday night, and the show did not disappoint. I don't understand how Hamilton Leithauser has any bit of voice left if he sings with such ferocity for every show (which I have heard he does). They played all of the old favorites, and some new stuff which sounded quite different, but quite good.
Mike and I dipped out early before the last band and entered the pregnant woman's paradise: Doumar's!! Now that the morning sickness has passed my appetite reaches waves of near-insatiability. Nothing a hot fudge sunday can't remedy, though. Even after an earlier dinner with two Rangels and three maki, I was able to lick the bowl clean. I figure I lost at least 15 pounds over the last several weeks, so it is time to put some of that weight back. Right?
Our good buddy Matt was visiting from Seattle and hung out a bit on Sunday. He is a veritable landmine when it comes to great film suggestions; my netflix queue has now been restocked and fine-tuned.
I had a doctor's appointment this morning. The baby has a healthy heartbeat and was doing a little gymnastics routine in my tummy in reaction to the doppler (the device the doc. uses to hear/measure the heartbeat). Fifteen weeks and..... 27? more to go... there is a long road ahead... paved with many fudge sundaes and lots of sushi, I predict.
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