Thursday, December 28, 2006

close call.

I was about to insert my hand and necktie into the teeth of the shredder that we got for christmas- when I spied the warnings showing me not to. thank god.


beth said...

whatever you do -do not wear get your long hair, long neckties or drooling tongues near that damn shredder!
it has been driving me nuts all day so i decided to look up the difference between epidemic and pandemic. so here goes...
epidemic- affecting many persons at the same time and spreading from person to person in a locality where the disease is not permanently pervalent
pandemic- prevalent throughout an entire country, continent or the whole world; expansive over a big area
a cold in a classroom or school can be epidemic, yellow fever in norfolk was epidemic
bird flu is pandemic- crossing countries, continents, and such

beth said...

that baby of your is pandemic, yo

Marissa said...

Henry will travel the lands and the seas- like a virus? Thanks, Beth.

Cassie said...

little toddlers have gotten their fingers shredded along with dogs and their tongues. beware. keep it elevated.

Marissa said...

Oh Cassie, you are such a worry wart. At night we store it in the crib, and during the day we leave it next to the pets water bowl!